Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just a Quicky

I decided not to blog on Monday, as it was a day off, but I wanted to say a couple things as an appetizer to a future blog. I have a crush I developed last year, thanks to Penny Arcade. And the focus of that crush is Felicia Day, and her Knights of Good. This weekend I caught up on The Guild season 2 which is a free HD download on Xbox Live. Tonight is the finale of season 2, and to celebrate, Felicia Day ran a live Ustream video of a party at her place. I think it's her place. I've never watched a live streaming anything on the internet, and that includes the panda cam.

This is still like watching the characers of The Guild on my computer, but they are live. The only person missing was Tink/Amy Okuda. I think the live show was actually longer than the combined two seasons, including the 2 christmas specials and four blooper reels. These are inspired comedian/actors in a niche web comedy. If you have ever been addicted to an MMO you owe yourself this series.

This Saturday I caught up on all my TV for the week (see previous post for viewing habits) and the shows I regularly watch that stand out are 24, Fringe, and Terminator. These are the only shows that are getting anywhere. I've decided Heroes is on a slow burn. It's a pilot-light of a plot that just burns and slowly moves the story forward. Very slowly. I was pumped when Michael Dorn was the President at the last episode of December, but where is he? 24 is the exact opposite of Heroes. There is more done between commerical breaks than in whole episodes of Heroes. Even Knight Rider gets more done.

My last problem I'll aim at Heroes is Matt's precog powers. SPOILER WARNING: Matt can see the future and can see that Speedster Girlfriend will get shot by the tail of the plane. Matt then goes there just to see her die. He never tried warning her or nothing. What is the point of seeing the future if you can’t do anything about it. I know that Heroes started on the premise that Doomsday is approaching unless everyone can stop it. So obviously, the future can change. Matt draws a picture of himself being shot, then he gets shot. That’s a great power since he drew himself getting shot right before he got shot. Maybe if he left his apartment instead of drawing he wouldn’t have got shot, he wouldn’t crash in a plane, and Daphne wouldn’t have been shot either. This is a great power. Your own power is just effing with you. Otherwise, Matt’s a cool character.

I haven't watched much CSI in the past couple years, but now that Morpheus is on the show it actually has my attention. I'm back with it. I even watch CSINY off and on, I just can't watch Miami. I want more Fishburne face time in the show, because I care less about everyone else, except Catherine; I still like her.

I gave up on Call of Duty 5 this weekend for the Minesweeper: Flags on XBL. Minesweeper is generally about logical and careful plotting to clear the board. CoD:WaW on Veteran is so random when it came to engagements you can't work through it slowly. CoD 2 on Veteran was a slow process but you could still be patient and work. On some boards in World at War you can't hold still. Even if you take your time the game spawns enemies behind you, just to kill you. But if you watch your back, nothing happens. I spent an hour trying to get past one part. That's my due diligence. I moved on to the first Russian mission that pits you against a sniper. No matter what I did the sniper killed me. After a half hour I looked up on a forum and it turns out I have to shoot him more than once. But his bullets kill you instantly. No effin' way. I'm out. Gonna play Minesweeper, where I die on my own terms. Logging out.


Anonymous said...

Sigh here we go. Sorry for the absence but Emptas has been busy.

I'll fill you in privately.

However lets talk about Terminator: TSCC. Ok, the beginning of season 2 started well, got developed, and I'd be damned if they took a T-880 (minus the chip, which they destroyed) and hooked him to the Turk and came up with John Henry. It is supposed to be skynet, but in Child form. I love the revalation that "oh you hooked him up to the internet". That's like giving a child the "That was easy button" hooking it up to the Nuclear Grid, and say "here you go". "that was easy BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM". The last episode I missed because I was bored, they switched to friday's, and then I had Kumar and Harold Escape G Bay. So i had to watch it online, but, I must say for a 45 minute episode 40 minutes was spent developing a funeral scene. Sigh, as much as I don't want it to be cancelled - it will be cancelled. They are only stretching it out until May when T4 hits. Friday night on Fox is sci-fi graveyard...

Moving on t4 really is developing quickly. I am pumped at a "pre-T-800 model" adventure. Kinda like "i came out of my cave and oh snap look at the crap going on". I have been following a comic series that is placed around the time that human resistance is formed and how that works. Damn cartoonists always make John's love interest in a thong and massive boobies. No bra. Like, come'on, its the future and their ain't nothing left. Save that stuff for X-Men.

On to Heroes. Not impressed. Happy my favorite character, Sylar is back in black. I almost got to meet Milo V (Peter Petrelli) but the damn Flu killed my NYC Comic Con plans. I had it all scoped out, tickets and the chance at an autograph. Damn those viral conflicts. Anyway... I really like the dad, of course, I can say things like "Save the Cheerleader, save the world" a lot. I'd actually like to save her for 15 minutes. Just 15 minutes and I'll show her my superpowers.

Ok enough. I haven't gotten into 24. I am still into LOST. Pretty happy how it is coming together... kinda dwelling on one awesome "OH SNAP" moment from 2 seasons ago, but once they move on.. I think truly cool things will happen.

I am hoping to see Friday the 13th tuesday $5 night at the movies. Of course it is teenybopper paradise, but I'm just that creepy 30-something alone in a teeny bopper movie in which "Jesus" decides that my drink is his drink...geezus what is wrong with these kids.

Until the next.

Fox4649 said...

Hey, welcome back to the show. I know tax season/flu season can knock you off the grid. I was effected by the flu viral weapon, and I had Army duty during Comic Con. I wanted to go see Anna Torv from Fringe. Rotten luck.

Haven't started Lost yet. I know the first couple seasons are supposed to be good, but the later seasons might disappoint, and I don't want JJ Abrams heartbreak this close to Star Trek.

I missed Friday the 13th due to that flu/bug thing but the rest of the Weekend Ronin saw it and thought it was awesome. Go check out our podcast on it on iTunes. Search for Reel Junkies.